Who Am I?

Hey there, I hope you're doing well. 

My name is Calidus Green, but I usually go by Cal. I'm an aspiring character illustrator, fictional setting developer, & journalist with AuDHD, and have been a regularly active participant in various online spaces for about a decade. 

On this page you’ll find links to my various social media pages, examples of my work as a character artist, worldbuilder, & journalism student, as well as an explanation of what I value & how I intend on helping others.

Largely my presence online has been in the art space, which is where I met my partner of currently five years. My aim is to put any influence I acquire to help people in any way I can, often taking the form of bringing awareness of issues to my audiences. 

Diversity is of key import in my eyes, partially sparked by my partner and I both coming out as queer and non-binary. Outside of that, reflecting the variance of human existence in art and fiction is one of the easiest ways to bring a smile to someone’s face. If I can use my creativity to inspire people to help others, I can rest easily.

My interest in journalism stems from superhero comic books, with characters like Superman and Spider-Man both being intrinsically tied to newspaper organisations. I’ve always had a knack for wordplay, and my intent to study it in a university setting came from an online friend saying mentioning they were finishing their journalism degree in 2023. Sharing information is one of my primary methods of communication, and journalists are as important now as they have ever been.

Outside of ‘professional’ spaces I am an avid fan of tabletop roleplaying games, and enjoy diving into & exploring characters especially. Games like Brendan Conway's Masks: A New Generation and Avery Alder's Monsterhearts are both coming-of-age stories with a heavy focus on roleplay and encourage diversity in characters and worldbuilding. 

Despite only recently having started collecting, I hold a deep love for superhero comic books and various adaptations of them. Independent universes like those featured in Erica D’Urso & Mat Groom’s Inferno Girl Red (itself part of Kyle Higgins’ Radiant Black Massive-Verse), and Kara Huset’s Sparrow & yet-to-release Valor Verse were key points of inspiration for my own universe that currently remains unnamed.


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