Future Goals

If I need to state a broad goal for my life, I want to help people where I can. Be it attending protests, supporting my partner, encouraging people to fight for what's right, or even just uplifting those in need. I want my mark on the world to matter, whatever that looks like. 

I am generally aware of my privilege, though I can always learn more, and plan on using it as a platform for amplifying the voices of those in more marginalised groups. I am a white, currently masc-presenting Assigned-Male-At-Birth person going through the beginning stages of applying for Hormone Replacement Therapy as of June 2024. I was raised as a male and only came out as trans-fem nonbinary after finishing high school. People often perceive me as something other than what I identify as, and as much as that hurts, I'm going to use that to my advantage. 


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